Whole Foods Diet

Whole Foods Diet
Welcome to The Best Natural Foods Topics of Interest Section. This page provides an overview of the topic of whole foods diet. You can find more detailed information about whole foods diet and other important dietary topics in our new book, The Best Natural Foods on the Market Today.

There is a growing awareness that a whole foods diet is the answer to escalating health care costs. As a nation and a culture, our collective health has deteriorated in the last fifty years with the drastic lifestyle and dietary changes that we’ve made. I ask my clients to stop and think more about their diet and their overall health. A closer look reveals that the modern American diet simply does not provide the nutrients we need to be healthy.

It is time for us to look into the real value of a whole foods diet consisting of whole grains, whole grain breads, whole grain cereals, beans, vegetables, fruits, lean meats, dairy products, and nuts and seeds. Certainly, the health revolution that has driven the growth of the natural foods market indicates a growing awareness of a very simple idea: A whole foods diet helps the body restore health and function better.  How this basic concept actually works is still largely a mystery to modern-day scientists. Yes, it’s true that we have a large amount of evidence to support the relationship between certain diets and health. But, when we try to understand how nutrients affect healing, or how healing itself actually occurs, we have just begun to scratch the surface. One noted researcher recently said, “We think it will be a long time before science unravels the complexity of nutrient interactions in the relation of foods to health.”1 Most of us are unaware of this truth.

Do you realize that your favorite plant foods contain thousands of different chemicals? Researchers are trying to understand the effects of over 5,000 phenols like those in red wine, 700 carotenoids such as lycopene found in tomatoes, 200 phytoestrogens such as those in flax seed and 100 glucosinolates, like sulforaphane in broccoli. And to make matters more complicated and confusing, researchers agree that phytochemicals (plant chemicals) often work together (synergistically), explaining why consuming isolated supplements is not as effective as eating a whole foods diet.

While optimal health requires lifestyle balance in physical activity, emotional well-being, and a sense of purpose, we have lulled ourselves into thinking that our diet somehow does not relate to our health. Sure, we have come to see that our food choices can prevent heart disease and cancer, but how many of us associate what we choose to eat with the thousands of smaller aches, pains, and ailments like heartburn, indigestion, insomnia, skin conditions, allergies, and headaches? Common lore blames these problems on genetics, stress, or bad luck. But after having coped with health problems for years with pills, many people around the world are curing themselves by simply switching to a whole foods diet. These folks avoid processed foods completely for a period of time. By doing so, they give the body a chance to heal itself from consuming toxic products like trans fat, and begin real nourishment by consuming a steady supply of the right nutrients.

Healthy eating requires us to take a closer look at the question: “What’s in (or not in) our food?”  The Best Natural Foods on the Market Today A Yuppies Guide to Hippie Food, Vol. 1, provides the facts you need about natural foods to better understand the issues. Learn the reasons why it is important to choose healthy free range chicken and products like Organic Valley organic milk instead of regular supermarket milk. Do you know the benefit of omega 3 eggs? Discover new foods that offer superb nutrition, like almond butter, flax seed oil, nutritional yeast, dulse, miso, and tahini. Liven up your food by trying new recipes like the Smoothie Royale healthy smoothie recipe, Cashew Goddess Dressing, and the Afterglow almond butter Dressing. Do you know how to cook quinoa in quinoa recipes, use spelt flour instead of whole wheat, or cook tempeh? This book will show you how to make healthier choices for yourself and your family. 

1 Jacobs, D.R., et al. “Editorial: It's more than an apple a day: an appropriately processed, plant-centered dietary pattern may be good for your health.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 72 (2000):899-900.

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